Gluten Free Vegan Options – Medical Medium Compatible
One thing many people find challenging with gluten sensitivity, or when following the Medical Medium protocols, is eating gluten free – especially gluten free AND vegan. The gluten free vegan options on this page will make it a lot easier.
Let’s start with my gluten free sandwich bread recipe — the wonderful result of much trial and error! Use organic ingredients, of course.
Of course, it’s not a good idea to eat too much bread and baked goods, no matter what they are made from. We need to focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. However, once in a while most of us want a baked treat, pasta, or bread. This page offers lots of gluten free vegan options. I will be adding links to recipes and products as I find them. Enjoy!
Be sure to always buy ORGANIC grain and bean products, so you avoid the toxic glyphosate (RoundUp) that is used to ripen grains and beans artificially.
Gluten Free Pastas
Rice pasta was invented by the Chinese long before Italian cuisine came up with wheat flour pasta. It is still a great option.
Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice & Quinoa pasta is my favorite, by far. I’ve tried lots of other gluten free pastas, but I always come back to this one. I think it tastes the best and it holds together best.
Next best is Tinkyada Organic Brown Rice pasta for holding together without getting mushy.
Here is one more brand of organic brown rice pasta you may want to try: Jovial – All are organic, I believe. They also sell organic tomato sauce, paste, etc. in glass jars.
Grain Free Pastas
If you can’t eat grains at all, the next best option would be any of the various legume pastas – black bean, lentil, or chickpea. Here is an option to try:
- Organic Bean or lentil pastas –
There are also noodles made from seaweed and other plant sources, like:
-– made from high fiber konjac
- – green kelp noodles
- White kelp noodles – – These can also be used for gelling in place of agar or other gelling agents.
Or, just get out your spiralizer or potato peeler and make your own veggie noodles from zucchini, cucumbers, raw sweet potatoes, daikon, and/or carrots.
Gluten Free Gnocchi
Trader Joe’s sells a pretty good gluten free kale gnocchi (I’m not a fan of the cauliflower one, because it tastes fishy), but it is also easy to make your own. Here’s a great recipe:
Of course, you could make these gnocchi with regular garlic and they would be white instead of green!
Gluten Free Breads
For some people, giving up bread is a real challenge. Most of the gluten free breads on the market are far from healthy. If they are not organic, they almost certainly contain glyphosate. Many of them are also made with refined and artificial ingredients.
I only know of one company that makes organic gluten free bread that is available all over the USA – Simple Kneads. Their breads do contain buckwheat and a little psyllium so may not be suitable for some people. I like the pumpernickel one best – it’s like a dark rye bread. The sourdough is also excellent – best when toasted.
Make Your Own Gluten Free Bread
One of the most important things to remember with gluten-free baking is that you have to let your breads cool completely before cutting. Otherwise they will be a sticky mess inside. Be patient! It is worth the wait. Also, they are usually improved with light toasting.
Have fun experimenting! Here are a few options to start with:
- My Gluten Free Bread Recipe (the best I’ve tried so far)
- Millet-Quinoa Bread – Make your own quinoa/millet loaf –
- Chickpea-Rice Bread – (use lemon juice to replace vinegar)
- Lentil-Rice Bread –
Here’s a fabulous course from Heather Crosby of YumUniverse – Gluten Free Baking Academy! Learn to make your own gluten free breads like a pro – quick breads, yeasted breads, sourdough, flatbreads, tortillas, and more. She offers it online once or twice a year. Put yourself on her waiting list for updates. – or
Here is one of Heather Crosby’s recipes for a dense, seedy bread –
Comprehensive Gluten Free Cooking Course – I haven’t tried these recipes yet, but I just purchased some from Bloom Healthy Cooking and they look good. Everything from breads, cookies and cakes to croissants –
If you are Irish (or not) you might want to try this gluten free soda bread: – If following Medical Medium protocols, replace vinegar with lemon juice (for souring the plant milk). For the shortening, try Miyoko’s Butter or refined coconut oil.
Grain Free Breads
If you can’t eat any grains at all, here are a couple of good options. Let me know if you try them. They sound good!
Almond Flour Bread –
Lentil Bread – This one is sort of a cross between sandwich bread and flatbread.
Tortillas, Crepes & Flatbreads
Sweet Potato Flatbread –
Millet Flatbread – Make your own wheat and corn free millet tortillas –
Indian Nan Bread – Try it with minced garlic baked on top.
You can also make this Quinoa Flatbread with millet or a combination of millet and quinoa.
Crepes are great for wrapping around just about anything:
Chickpea flour works for making all sorts of flatbreads and crepes. Make sure it is organic. If you can’t find organic chickpea flour locally, you may have to grind it yourself or order online.
Gluten Free Pancakes & Waffles
Here are a few good gluten free pancake and waffle recipes:
- Waffles –
Gluten Free Baked Sweets
These, of course, are not for everyday consumption. Even though they are healthier than most, they wouldn’t be considered whole foods. Save them for those rare special occasions!
Try making these cinnamon rolls with date sugar (in place of the cane sugar) and coconut sugar (in place of the brown sugar). However, they would still be high in fat. Save them for a special occasion once in awhile. You could do a lot worse.
Christmas Pudding with gluten free options –
Gluten Free Sweet Breads – Pears, persimmons, peaches, dates, walnuts and/or dried fruits would also be great in this!
Or try this gluten free banana bread –
Gluten Free Cookies, Crackers & Baking Mixes – lots of healthy, whole food, grain free cookies, crackers, and a variety of baking mixes. They are not organic. However, since they don’t use grains, the danger of glyphosate contamination is low. Read ingredients! Some have palm oil and other unwanted ingredients.
A great way to find good gluten free cookie and cracker recipes is to look for Paleo recipes. Just be sure to leave out the eggs! Replace eggs with options listed at Healthy Vegan Substitutes for Animal Products.
Heather Crosby also offers an excellent online gluten free cookie course, usually in October. Get on her wait list for updates –
Good luck! With a little practice you won’t even miss gluten anymore.
For lots more gluten free recipes join my Facebook Group – Whole Foods Plant-Based, Gluten Free Diet & Recipes Group